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白老虎-1.jpg 白老虎 / 作者:亞拉文雅迪嘉





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龍紋身的女孩.jpg 龍紋身的女孩 (Man som hatar kvinnor) / 作者:史迪格.拉森 (Stieg Larsson)


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世界是平的2005年在美國出版,半年內就銷售破百萬冊,也蟬連好幾週紐約時報、商業周刊銷售排行第一名,號稱是繼EQ後最熱門的話題,現在幾乎是美國MBA必讀的教材。作者Thomas L. Friedman是哈佛大學的客座教授,也是美國公認最有影響力的新聞工作者,這本書出版之後,更奠定他趨勢大師的地位。




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Chapter 12


Friedman mentions an interesting idea which is Dell Theory in chapter 12. The theory stipulates: No two countries that are both part of a major global supply chain, like Dell's, will ever fight a war against each other as long as they are both part of the same global supply chain. And the most important test case of the Dell Theory of Conflict Prevention is the situation between China and Taiwan - since both are deeply embedded in several of the world's most important computer, consumer electronics, and increasingly, software supply chain (424).

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Chapter 2


In the last part of chapter 2, the writer comes up with the other five forces which flattened the world. The eighth force is “Insourcing,” which means businesses use their Core Competency (Prahalad, C. K.) to collaborate with their supply chain or develop their competitive advantage to be another tool to earn money. The writer uses United Parcel Service (UPS) to be an example to explain how it works. I do like the topic “What the Guys in Funny Brown Shorts Are Really Doing,” which is what I wondered before. Before reading the chapter, I did not know so many surprisingly interesting inside stories of UPS. Because they are not just delivering packages, they have become the expert of logistics. For example, they helped Toshiba to solve the problem of late repair process and helped its customer P&H without looking deep inside its business and then into its suppliers' businesses-what boxes and packing materials they were using. Moreover, they successfully collaborate among eBay sellers, UPS, PayPal, and eBay buyers. UPS synchronize global supply chains which is the force to flatten the world.

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